Indoor Cat Keeps Escaping: Why Does It Happen and How Can I Stop It?

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One of the challenges you face as a cat owner is keeping your feline indoors. By nature, cats constantly try to escape outside. There can be multiple reasons indoor cats try to escape, such as desire for exploration, fear, lack of socialization, unfamiliar environments, and simple curiosity. It’s a common issue that many pet owners may face when keeping them indoors. It can be worrying and stressful because the outdoors poses several risks for cats, including busy streets and wildlife.

indoor cat keeps escaping in perth

Additionally, it is important to get your cat microchipped as a secure form of identification in case the cat loses its collar.

Understanding why your cats want to escape is the first step in learning how to keep them inside. By understanding and addressing the underlying motivations, you can create a more fulfilling indoor environment that meets their needs and reduces their desire to venture outdoors. So, in this blog, we will explore why a cat might try to escape and provide effective solutions to help keep it safe and content inside.

Why Do Cats Try to Escape?

Cats are curious creatures, so their desire to explore leads them to seek adventure beyond the door. At the same time, it is very unsafe for them to wander outside on their own. The stress and territorial nature of an indoor-only cat can significantly impact its behavior when it escapes, often causing it to hide, stay silent, and eventually emerge to find food, water, and shelter. So here are some common reasons why your indoor cat tries to escape outside.

1. Lack of Environmental Enrichment

cats are natural hunters. They love to hunt their prey and return to their pride. Indoor cats become bored if their living area has no adequate stimulation and enough space to be happy. Without enough playtime and opportunities to express their natural behaviors like climbing and scratching, your cat may seek a lack of outdoor enrichment and try to escape from the safety of a cozy window. Providing a cat tree as an alternative lounging spot can attract your cat and discourage it from approaching forbidden areas.

2. Hunting Instincts

Our furry companion still possesses strong hunting instincts despite being domesticated. Understanding a cat’s behavior, especially how it reacts when its hunting instincts are triggered, is crucial. The sights, smells, and sound from the great outdoors can trigger their predatory instincts, which prompts them to want to explore and hunt. Providing them with a great environment, enrichment, and engaging interactive playtime with puzzles and toys can easily help satisfy their hunting instincts in a safe and controlled manner. These activities allow them to exhibit natural behaviors like stalking, punching, and capturing “prey” (the plushy kind). This helps to reduce their desire to escape and hunt in the great outdoors.

3. Curiosity and Exploration

Most cats try to escape outdoors due to their natural curiosity and exploration tendencies, as they are naturally curious creatures. Their amazing senses of smell, sight, and hearing let them notice all kinds of interesting things around them, which makes them escape outdoors. This makes your cat very curious! Your cat wonders what fun and exciting things might happen, so they try to keep escaping outside to see what’s out there and look around. The outdoors seems like an adventure full of new experiences for a curious cat.

4.  Adventurous Behavior

In their natural state, cats are territorial roamers with large home ranges they patrol and love to explore daily. Even our domesticated feline friends maintain some of these exploratory tendencies and wanderlust. When kept indoors, cats can get bored and restless, so they try to escape in search of new sights, smells, and experiences to discover outside the familiar confines of home. The territorial behavior of outdoor cats can also influence indoor cats’ desire to escape and explore, as they may sense the presence of other cats claiming territory nearby.

5. Mating Behaviour 

Your unspayed or unneutered cats have a strong drive to find mates. This kind of instinct leads them to escape the confines of your home in search of a potential partner. For male cats, this drive is often triggered by the female’s scent in heat, which they can detect from a great distance. For females, the desire to find a mate can result in restlessness and constant attempts to get out. A female cat may try to escape if she is indoors and in heat, posing the risk of injury or unexpected litters of kittens.

Effective strategies to prevent and stop indoor cats from escaping?

Understanding why your cat wants to escape is the first step toward understanding how to keep it within. Many cats may not return home due to their homing instinct, reproductive behavior, and territorial expansion. Below, we’ll review several preventative steps to take if an indoor cat escapes.

1. Provide Enrichment

Keeping your indoor feline physically and mentally stimulated is very important for preventing them from escape attempts. You can provide them with plenty of interactive toys, scratching posts in different locations, and regular playtime in their daily routine. Familiar items like cat trees that carry familiar scents can help the cat feel safe in a designated safe room after a move. You can also consider building a “catio”—an outdoor enclosure that allows them to experience great outdoor enrichments in secure settings.

A study published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery found that providing environmental enrichment can significantly reduce stress and anxiety in indoor cats, reassuring you that these strategies can effectively reduce the likelihood of escape attempts.

2. Secure your Home

 Cat-proofing your home is one important step to prevent indoor cats from escaping. Inspect your home for any potential escape routes, such as windows, doors, and screens, to make sure they are in good repair and cannot be opened or knocked over. By thoroughly securing your home by cat-proofing it and maintaining its boundaries, you can significantly reduce the risk of your indoor feline friend falling out and getting lost or injured.

3. Invest In Catio

If you have a curious and adventurous cat, consider setting up a catio. Catios are outdoor enclosures that allow cats to explore the outdoors while remaining in a safe, enclosed enclosure. Catios come in various shapes and sizes, and you can transform them into a fun place for your cat by adding interactive toys and cat furniture. 

4. Install a cat door

 A pet door is a safety measure that allows you to provide limited outdoor access to your cat. The key advantage of a cat door is its lock feature, which you can use to ensure your cat’s safety. You might let your cat outside during the day or when you’re at home, then lock it up at night to keep it safe from stray animals, predators, and nighttime traffic. Electronic doors are a powerful tool to keep your cat indoors while allowing your dog outside. Your dog wears a special key on his collar, which opens the door when he approaches it. If your cat doesn’t have a key, the door will not open for her, giving you full control over their movements. You can also schedule times when each pet can utilize the door, further enhancing their control.

5. Consider Spaying or Neutering Your Cat

Spayed or neutered Cats are less likely to roam. Cats that haven’t been neutered or spayed are more likely to roam and likely to be more territorial, and they try to expand their territory borders and attempt far more frequently. After being spayed or neutered, up to 90% of cats will have a reduced urge to escape and roam.

6. Positive Reinforcement training

 Start providing them training as it’s easier to establish the behavior early on. Introduce the ‘come’ command when your fur baby is young. When your feline responds, reward them with high-value treats or playtime. This positive reinforcement will encourage their behavior. Consistent training is key, as it helps prevent issues like wandering or escaping. By training your cat early, you’re being proactive and responsible, and you will have a better chance of calling them back if they ever wander off or attempt to escape.

How Do Cats Find Their Way Back Home After Escaping?

Cats have a specific talent-homing instinct that allows them to find their way home. Although we don’t know the exact mechanism behind cats’ homing abilities, evidence suggests that cats can use the combination of the earth’s geomagnetic fields and scent cues to navigate. Although the exact match mechanisms are not fully understood, some observations and studies suggest that this combination of senses allows cats to travel impressive distances and find their way back home even when exploring unfamiliar areas. A new cat in an unfamiliar environment may feel exposed and in danger, leading to changes in behavior as it adapts to the new space gradually. Research into this instinct shows cats who live indoors and outdoors seem to have a much better ability to find their way home.

How to Find a Lost Cat

Searching for a lost cat can be a distressing experience, but with proactive efforts and persistence, there’s a good chance of reuniting with your beloved pet. Here are some expert-recommended steps to increase the likelihood of finding your missing cat:

  • First, thoroughly search your house, and start checking under the bed, behind closed doors, cabinets, and basements for places where a cat could hide.
  • Create eye-catching flyers with a clear photo of your feline and essential details, and distribute the flyers in your neighborhood, local shops, and busy intersections.
  • Share information about missing your cats on local media groups, community pages, and sites like Pet FBI. Also, provide a detailed description of your cats and include the same clear photo used on your flyers.
  • Walk around your neighborhood, calling your cat’s name and shaking a box of treats to attract their attention. Also, check hiding spots such as bushes, sheds, and garages. Ask your neighbors to check their properties, including garages, sheds, and other potential hiding spots. The presence of other cats in the neighborhood can affect your lost cat’s behavior and territory, making it more challenging to locate them.
  • Place your cat’s bed blanket or any other items with familiar scents outside your home. This may help guide your cat back home.
  • Calling local veterinaries, rescue centers, and animal control for help.
  • Using feral cat traps, wildlife trackers, and motion-sensitive cameras in your backyard or areas where your cats have been spotted can help you monitor their activity and determine whether they are still visiting the places.
  • Please update the microchip information. If your cat has a microchip, ensure your contact information is up to date with the provider. Many microchip companies offer resources for lost pets to aid in the search effort.


Keeping your indoor cat from escaping requires understanding their motivations and taking proactive steps to create a safe and stimulating environment. Cats run away when they’re unhappy with their current environment and want a change. Creating the ideal home environment for your cat is the most effective strategy to prevent them from escaping. Following the methods outlined in this guide ensures that your feline friend stays happy and safe indoors. Remember, a well-enriched indoor environment can satisfy your cat’s instincts and reduce the urge to escape. For added security, consider using cat netting enclosures. At KittySafe, we provide top-quality cat netting enclosures that allow your cat to enjoy the great outdoors like a balcony, or backyard safely. Our solutions are designed to give your cat the best of both worlds—outdoor experience with indoor safety. Trust KittySafe to help keep your cat happy, healthy, and secure.


Should I consider adopting another cat?

Adopting a companion cat can provide social interaction, which may alleviate loneliness and reduce your cat’s desire to escape. Ensure both cats are compatible and introduce them gradually to avoid territorial conflicts.

Are there special products to prevent cat escapes?

Yes, consider investing in cat netting, enclosures, and secure barriers designed to keep indoor cats safe while allowing them to enjoy the outdoors. These products provide a safe way for your cat to experience nature without the risks.

Can I train my cat to stay indoors?

Yes, you can train your cat through positive reinforcement. Use treats and praise to reward them for staying inside. Establish a routine that includes playtime and interaction to make the indoor environment more appealing.

Can certain breeds be more prone to escaping than others?

Yes, some breeds, like Abyssinians and Bengals, are naturally more adventurous and curious, making them more likely to seek outdoor exploration. Understanding your cat’s breed traits can help you tailor your safety measures.

How does spaying or neutering affect my cat’s behavior regarding escape?

Spaying or neutering significantly reduces roaming tendencies and territorial behaviors, leading to a calmer demeanor. This often decreases the urge to escape, making it easier to keep your cat safe indoors.

We are social!

Hello, my name is Stu, and I love felines. I have extensive expertise in the construction of cat enclosures for over ten years, and I'm the founder of Kittysafe, the leading cat enclosure provider in Perth. We are known for our premium cat netting enclosures. My team and I have helped responsible Perth's cat owners save over $400,000 in insurance fees and vet bills. My efforts have also saved 120,000 native animals and added 20,000 cat years to the lives of Perth cats. These numbers malke a real difference and they’re growing all the time. Also, Kittysafe has been chosen by Native Ark to protect their injured water birds from ferral cats. It demonstrates our commitment to animal welfare and our expertise in the field.