How to Make an Indoor Cat Happy


Our cats are cherished and beloved companions. As much as we love our furry friends,  keeping them happy and healthy indoors can be quite challenging, especially in Australia’s diverse climate. Cats are friendly, graceful, and beautiful, but above all, they’re extremely complicated. Many people choose to keep their cats indoors, as this will keep them […]

Cat Enclosure Ideas


Cats are natural-born explorers, always seeking new sights, sounds, and smells to explore – and their ability to jump high helps them reach and explore exciting new places. But as responsible pet owners, we know it’s important to keep our feline friends safe and secure. That’s where cat enclosures come in—they allow your kitty to […]

How High Cats Can Jump? Honestly, It’s Pretty Incredible!

how high cats can jump

Have you ever wondered how high a cat can jump? Ever watched a cat jump a fence or off a balcony? Cats are stunning athletes and are designed for agile leaping. Thanks to their strong muscles, flexible bony structure, and sharp minds, cats—including your chunky champion lapcat—make excellent athletes and acrobats. But How High or […]

How to Keep a Cat in Your Yard?

how to keep a cat in your yard

Keeping a cat in a yard as a beloved pet is undoubtedly fun. At the same time, it can be a bit challenging to feel safe letting them roam around outside. Cats love to explore, but allowing them to roam freely may lead to injury from aggressive animals such as dogs or from car accidents. […]

How to Keep Your Cats Cool in Summer

how to keep cats cool in summer

Hot summer days can be tough for your furry feline friends. Since cats cannot sweat like human beings, cats do overheat when temperatures rise far from normal levels. That is why keeping them cool down and comfortable during summertime is so essential. Do you want to know how to keep cats cool in summer? As […]

Fremantle Council’s tough new Cat Laws


If you live in Beaconsfield, Fremantle. Hilton, North Fremantle, O’Connor, Samson, South Fremantle, or White Gum Valley, you are affected by this. Fremantle council has voted to introduced tough new cat bylaws. If you live in Beaconsfield, Fremantle. Hilton, North Fremantle, O’Connor, Samson, South Fremantle, or White Gum Valley, you are affected by this. The […]

Kwinana’s tough new cat laws


If you live in Anketell, Bertram, Calista, Casuarina, Hope Valley, Kwinana Beach, Kwinana Town Centre or Leda, your cat is affected by this. Kwinana council has introduced tough new cat bylaws. If you live in Anketell, Bertram, Calista., Casuarina, Hope Valley, Kwinana Beach, Kwinana Town Centre, or Leda you are affected by this. The legislation […]

Is it worth building a DIY cat enclosure?


Cat enclosures are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional caging for cats, providing a stimulating and comfortable environment. DIYing your own outdoor cat enclosure can have benefits such as cost savings and the satisfaction of creating something custom tailored to your home. However, DIYing your own outdoor cat paradise also has potential drawbacks […]

What to know about indoor cats?

indoor cats

What does it take to start keeping your cat indoors, especially if your tiger is used to roaming free, ducking cars and dining on wildlife? Be Proud Your cat is hunting native animals that have no defense against a feline, and your decision to keep it indoors will be a positive impact on the Australian […]